Does Pop Culture Influence Us That Much?!
I don't know why but people sure do tend to blame the way society today is on Pop Culture. Everybody is their on person, we cant blame one persons actions on another person. Everyone has their own philosophy for doing things. So the person that does the action should take fully responsibility, and the society should understand that also. When were the ones who get caught doing senseless crimes we are the ones who get incarceration or consequences not the celebrity, because we were the ones who committed the crime. They say that the celebrities that are in the public eye influences us to do certain things, and also things that are somewhat illegal or not pleasing to society. If we were to put ourselves in the shoes of a celebrity that was in the public eye constantly we wouldn't want to have to worry about every little single thing we did, and if it would be up to standard. You would basically be living to please others. That is something that us as regular people or celebrities wouldn't and don't like to have to do. So therefore it is very ignorant, in my opinion to say that Pop Culture and celebrities are the reason why society is so corrupt, and why we do the things we do, because that is not necessarily true.The only thing that we can gather from the celebrities is that we observe them doing the things they do and think that we can go out and do the same nonsense.
yes i agree with you, but you also have to realize that people learn by observing others. We tend to look up to those who are famous and well known specially in the U.S.A. As a human being we learn certain things from others that is why we have role models. If a person is exposed to violent in his every day life he tend to become aggressive person. You said every one have their "own philosophy for doing certain thing but if you think about it that philosophy come from some where, we weren't just born with it. I am not saying we should blame others for our action but i am simply saying their is some influence behind our action.