Monday, February 25, 2013

Aunt Jenny

The story that I read on last week "Aunt Jenny" is really an interesting and inspiration story. I really like the moral of the story. The story talks about how Jenny, which is this little girls auntie, was diagnosed with down syndrome when she was only 5 years old. Jenny's sister has been taking good care of her for years. Jenny is very short and is in her 40's.  In the beginning of the story I even thought that she was a child, being that they talked about her loving to color. The young girl and her sisters loved their Aunt Jenny when they were young, but when the girl grew older she started seeing things that Aunt Jenny did to be annoying and embarrassing. She got to the point where she didn't want to be seen with her Aunt. The girls mother, also Jenny's sister, was of the total opposite from her daughter. Jenny's sister showed her as much love as she can since they were both younger. In the story you can definitely tell that she loved her sister Jenny unconditionally. Being that the mother cared so much and showed her sister so much love, it eventually began to rub off on the child once again. So in a way i guess you can say that her mother re-inspired her to love her Aunt Jenny even better than she did before. The story was very touching and heart warming in my opinion, and I'm glad the conclusion of the story was the way it was.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Extended Families ? . . .

Extended Families

Hi, I'm Chelsea and I am apart of an extended family. As everyone should know or see from watching movies or shows, extended families don't always work out. To some people extended families are just extra, or unwanted people in your life. For me, I was unaware of my extended family. I actually did not find out about them until years later in my life. All the while I'm thinking it's me my mother, my father and my brothers, its really my mothers side of the family and then its my dads side. Come to find out my father had a family of his own, a wife and two kids. It definitely was a surprise to me, and was very hard to cope with. I still have some void spaces in my heart today from it. I have some unanswered questions, that only keep leading to my own made up philosophies. 

In the beginning I did not like my "step mother" at all, I cant say much has changed currently, but in a way it has gotten a bit better. It's like I have all the love in the world for my father but none for her, only because she isn't my biological mother. When I think about that it seems as if I should not be mad at her and that all the blame should go to my father. All in all she was very unaware of this other family too, no one knew about anyone. My father was the one who cheated not her, so really WHO'S TO BLAME. 

Anyways, That's just a little history for you, an example of Extended Families, well the one that I am in.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Does Pop Culture Influence Us That Much?!

I don't know why but people sure do tend to blame the way society today is on Pop Culture. Everybody is their on person, we cant blame one persons actions on another person. Everyone has their own philosophy for doing things. So the person that does the action should take fully responsibility, and the society should understand that also. When were the ones who get caught doing senseless crimes we are the ones who get incarceration or consequences not the celebrity, because we were the ones who committed the crime. They say that the celebrities that are in the public eye influences us to do certain things, and also things that are somewhat illegal or not pleasing to society. If we were to put ourselves in the shoes of a celebrity that was in the public eye constantly we wouldn't want to have to worry about every little single thing we did, and if it would be up to standard. You would basically be living to please others. That is something that us as regular people or celebrities wouldn't and don't like to have to do. So therefore it is very ignorant, in my opinion to say that Pop Culture and celebrities are the reason why society is so corrupt, and why we do the things we do, because that is not necessarily true.The only thing that we can gather from the celebrities is that we observe them doing the things they do and think that we can go out and do the same nonsense. 

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Crime & Punishment ?!

Crime and Punishment has a pretty wide range, and varieties of topics. When I think of Crime and Punishment I think of court trials, sentencing, cops, and devastating situations, but that's only because certain things under the topic of Crime and Punishment have hit home with me and affected me in many ways. I often begin to think about "Bad Cops", the cops that can get away with anything, and have other people suffering for their actions and lies. Yea, that's the first thing that pops in my head. Once you get into situations where its your story again a polices, unless you have a solid foundation of evidence you have already lost. Police offices get away with the most stuff, its really ridiculous. A police could have murdered someone and he'll still be on the streets as if he or she never did anything. Police will have innocent people behind bars because of the lies that they will tell to keep themselves safe. If your the victim in this situation your life could possibly been ruined. I personally have a huge problem with that because of the fact that it has affected me in my life before, and it basically changed my situation. That then gave me a whole different outlook on police, and what their so called "job" is. I promise you that they all don't "serve and protect"! What a shame.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Everyone Is Entitled To Their Own Opinion ...

OK, so we've all heard the phrase "Everyone is entitled to their own opinion" way too many times before, but exactly what does this really mean? Well some people take it way out of context. People sometimes tend to think that it means you can say whatever the first thing is that pops into their heads and whenever, not thinking about how it may sound, or how it may offend and have an effect on other people. Another way to say that is they often "put their foot in their mouths". Sometimes you have to just simply think before you say things. People will get offended easily,and the person will not even know they did a thing. There are particular things that most people are offensive about like their religion, race, sexuality, and many other aspects. That is why we as people have to watch what we say, by not letting everything that comes to our minds come out our mouths.