Friday, April 19, 2013

The War On Drugs

War On Drugs
The war on drugs has not ever really been about drugs. Every time any situation comes up involving drugs the court system just wants to put that person away. By doing so the person gets torn away from their children, and all of their other family members. It makes life a lot harder for the child who has to go without their parent. The war on drugs seems to target African Americans the most. When people get locked up for selling drugs or having drugs on them, do you think when they get out that they are actually able to find a good job to support their family and/or kids? NO! When you get out for something like that your more liable to go back to doing it because of the fact that their options have already been taken from me, so what else is it for them to do. Having things like this on your record, or felonies is defiantly a set back not only for that person convicted, but also for their families that they have to provide for.I honesty think if your a first time offender of drugs, instead of the system locking you up for months or years they should at least give you the option to get help, and join a program. In that sense you could possibly fixing the problem, but by just locking them up the system is making the problem worse, and the person is more than likely going to continue what they're doing. Overall I defiantly think that there are many other ways to deal with this situations, but they system chooses the easiest way which is throw em' away and lock away the key!


  1. I completely agree with you statement on that. I feel like the government is so caught up on people that sell drugs rather than more serious problems like politics, murderers etc.

  2. I can relate to this blog, since I lost my family in 9th grade due to drugs. My brother and I were placed with a different family when the system could have just let my mom go to classes or get help. My senior year i got my mom back and we still have to deal with social workers and court dates. I appreciate thoughts like this that can agree with how i feel!:)
